TV Polar report from Beethoven's Hradec

Polar Television has prepared a great report from the 58th Beethoven's Hradec International Interpretation Competition. Take a look at the current year with us.

Evaluation of the chair of the jury of the finalists of the 58th year

The reflection of the finalists of the 58th year was prepared by the chair of the jury Eliška Novotná.

Tomáš Vrána was one of the best rated candidates throughout the competition. Given his final participation in the previous year's Beethoven competition, it was clear that he was heading for the highest goals. This was evidenced by the extraordinary repertoire, which he decided to include for his performance at the competition. This is mainly Beethoven's last piano Sonata, Op. 111, which he interpreted in a monumental way in the second round, and which he supplemented with one of Olivier Messiaen's "Views of Jesus". Tomáš Vrána's piano performance was characterized by a clear composition, differentiated sound, interesting interpretive moments in the preference of hidden melodic lines, supporting sound and in the finale flawless cooperation with the orchestra in terms of rhythm and sound and stylistically very convincing performance of L. van Beethoven's Concerto in G major.

Vojtěch Trubač convinced the jury and the students mainly with his performance in the 1st and 2nd round of the competition. Unforgettable will remain his recital, which contained compositions from opus 118 by J. Brahms and Beethoven's Sonata op. 57. Vojtěch was fascinated by the clear drawing of the lines, which was far from obvious in the somewhat noisy acoustics of the Minorite monastery. All the details of his interpretation were set in a whole, it had a color sound and a wide dynamic range from soft pianissimos to full fortissimas. His play was in harmony in terms of the ratio of calm and excitement, which literally drew the audience. His performance in the final was very good, but in a stylish grasp rather somewhat Mozart's (Vojtěch played Beethoven's 4th Concerto in G major). Some disagreements with the orchestra did not contribute to complete persuasiveness either.

Satomi Chihara she was very concentrated and demonic from the beginning of the competition. She addressed the jury and the audience most significantly during her recital in the 2nd round. It began with a very convincing interpretation of a composition by Japanese composer Akira Miyhoshi. Beethoven's Sonata "Les Adieux" op. 81a was tightened in all its details and meanings, and Satomi Chihara was similarly embedded in the composition, also in the interpretation of Liszt's Variations "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen". Her final performance was again very interesting and widely straddled on a dynamic level. Her attempt to dodge the orchestra in the areas where she accompanies the piano, but led to a less interesting performance of these parts, and the fact that this was her first experience of performing with the orchestra also played a role in collaboration with the orchestra.

Reflections by Milan Bátor for Klasika plus

Beethoven's Hradec ended in a fantastic triumph of Czech pianists. The first and second prizes were won by Tomáš Vrána and Vojtěch Trubač

"Trubač seemed most comfortable during his performance and also managed to enjoy 'his' moment."

„Chihara of the three finalists played the most significantly. With the greatest passion, great concentration, a certain risk and courage, she put everything into her speech. "

"As if breathtakingly into a book from which not a single word can be skipped, Vrána's speech seemed like a narrative that told the whole story with the greatest complexity and truthfulness.


The 58th Beethoven's International Piano Interpretation Competition knows its winners. This year's prestigious competition took place from 8 to 12 June in Opava and Ostrava. Forty pianists from all over Europe and Asia were proof that this competition has a good sound and attracts attention. The winner of this year's event was the 28-year-old Czech pianist Tomáš Vrána. Vojtěch Trubač, three years younger, also won the second prize from the Czech Republic, and the third prize went to Japanese pianist Satomi Chihara. Both Czech pianists are from the Moravian-Silesian Region, where many significant musical talents come from.

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Rozhovor s Vojtěchem Trubačem

Rozhovor Gabriely Westové s Vojtěchem Trubačem, druhým nejlepším klavíristou soutěže Beethovenův Hradec, pro TV Noe. Poslechněte si, jaké zkušenosti a zážitky mu přinesla účast na mezinárodní soutěži.

Fotografie z finále / Photography of Finals

Finále 58. Beethovenova Hradce proběhlo 12. června 2022 v Domě kultury města Ostravy. Gratulujeme vítězům i všem účastníkům soutěže za jejich skvělé výkony. / 58th Beethoven’s Hradec finals took place on 12 June 2022 in The House of Culture of the City Ostrava. We congratulate to winners and all competitors for their great performances.

Výsledky finále 58. ročníku / Results of the finals of 58th year

Už známe vítěze 58. ročníku Beethovenova Hradce! / We already know the winners of 58th Beethoven’s Hradec!

  • Tomáš Vrána – 1. místo, cena Matice slezské a cena agentury Presto / 1st prize, The Matice slezská prize and Presto Art Agency prize
  • Vojtěch Trubač – 2. místo, cena ředitele ZUŠ – recitál na klavírním festivalu / 2nd prize, The director of Basic Art School Opava – a concert on piano festival
  • Satomi Chihara – 3. místo / 3rd prize
Tomáš Vrána, Satomi Chihara, Vojtěch Trubač

Dále byly uděleny ceny: / Other prizes:

  • Všichni finalisté obdrželi cenu nakladatelství Bärenreiter. / All finalists got The Bärenreiter Praha Prize.
  • Dusan Sretovic: čestné uznání a cena poroty / Honourable Mention of the Jury and The Jury prize
  • Pavol Praženica: čestné uznání a cena děkana Fakulty umění Ostravské univerzity / Honourable Mention of the Jury and The dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music of the Univerzity of Ostrava prize

Všem výhercům gratulujeme! / We congratulate to all winners!

Pavol Praženica, Arta Arnicane, Tomáš Vrána, David Mareček, Eliška Novotná, Satomi Chihara, Vojtěch Trubač, Magdalena Lisak, Nataša Veljković, Dusan Sretovic

Výsledky 2. kola / 2nd round results

Do finále postupují / Competitors which continue into finals:

10 Chihara Satomi
29 Trubač Vojtěch
30 Vrána Tomáš

Gratulujeme! / Congratulations!

Finál se koná 12. června v 15 hodin v Domě kultury města Ostravy. / Finals take place on 12 June at 3 pm in the House of culture of Ostrava.

Druhé kolo / second round

2. kolo soutěže / 2nd round
Sál Minoritského kláštera v Opavě / The hall of the Minorite Monastery in Opava

pátek 10. června / Friday 10 June

9.00 | 26 Strejcová Eva
cca 9.45 | 28 Tomčala Tomáš 
cca 10.30 | 29 Trubač Vojtěch

11.15-11.30 přestávka / pause

11.30 | 30 Vrána Tomáš
cca 12.15 | 3 Boura Daniel

13.00-14.15 přestávka / pause

14.15 | 6 Gaálová Anna
cca 15.00 | 8 Guo Yimao
cca 15.45 | 10 Chihara Satomi

16.30-16.45 přestávka / pause

16.45 | 12 Jírová Marie
cca 17.30 | 14 Lejsek František
cca 18.15 | 16 Martinka Filip

19.00-19.15 přestávka / pause

19.15 | 20 Praženica Pavol
cca 20.00 | 22 Satsuma Kento
cca 20.45 | 24 Stretovic Dusan

cca 21.30 | Porada poroty / Jury meeting
cca. 22.15 | Vyhlášení výsledků / Results announcement

Žádáme účastníky, aby se dostavili do místnosti pro rozehrávání min. 15 minut před svým vystoupením.
Participants are kindly requested to come to the room for practice at least 15 minutes before their performance.

Opening ceremony of 58th Beethoven's Hradec

On 8th June there was the opening ceremony of 58th Beethoven's Hradec competition. It started with draw of the order of the first round and opening concert of Eliška Novotná, Jiří Hanousek and Karel Dohnal.

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