59th Beethoven's Hradec - Violin - 12-16 June 2024
Chair: Jiří Vodička (Czech Republic)
Jury: Herwig Zack (Germany), Beata Warykiewicz-Siwy (Poland), Petr Maceček (Czech Republic), Jan Fišer (Czech Republic)
Special prizes
Jelin Lee (Jižní Korea – Rakousko)
- The dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music of the Univerzity of Ostrava Prize
Eva Wetzel (Germany)
- The Presto Art Agency Prize
MgA. Martina Hájková, MgA. Alexandr Starý
- The Matice Slezská Prize for excellent piano accompaniment
Yungi Kaneko, Sakura Nakagawa, Katharina Auer, Jelin Lee, Eva Wetzel
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
58th Beethoven's Hradec - Piano - 8-12 June 2022
Chair: Eliška Novotná (Czech Republic)
Jury: Arta Arnicane (Latvia, Switzerland), Nataša Veljković (Serbia, Austria), Magdalena Lisak (Poland), David Mareček (Czech Republic)
Special prizesy
Tomáš Vrána (Czech Republic)
- The Matice slezská Prize
- The Presto Art Agency Prize
- The Bärenreiter Praha Prize
Vojtěch Trubač (Czech Republic)
- The director of Primary Art School Opava
- The Bärenreiter Praha Prize
Satomi Chihara (Netherlands, Japan)
- The Bärenreiter Praha Prize
Dusan Sretovic (Serbia)
- Honourable Mention of the Jury
- The Jury Prize
Pavol Praženica (Slovnesko)
- Honourable Mention of the Jury
- The dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music of the Univerzity of Ostrava Prize
57th Beethoven's Hradec – Viola – 12–16 June 2019
Chair: Vladimír Bukač (Czech Republic)
Members of the jury: Jan Pěruška (Czech Republic), Pierre-Henri Xuereb (France), Kristina Fialová (Czech Republic), Piotr Reichert (Poland)
Special prizes
Gueli Kim (Republic of Korea)
- The Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava Prize
- The Luboš Odlas Prize
- The Town of Hradec nad Moravicí Prize
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Yuri Yoon (Republic of Korea)
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Bella Chich (Russia)
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Mateusz Doniec (Poland)
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
- The Presto Art Agency Prize
- The Kristina Fialová Prize
Daniel Macho (Czech Republic)
- The Matice slezská Prize
56th Beethoven's Hradec – Cello – 20–24 June 2018
Chair: Jiří Hanousek (Czech Republic)
Members of the jury: Michal Kaňka (Czech Republic), Georg Baich (Austria), Eugen Prochác (Slovakia), Adam Krzeszowiec (Poland)
Special prizes
Judith Wagner (Austria)
- The Town of Hradec nad Moravicí Prize
- The Presto Art Agency Prize
- The Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava Prize
- The Luboš Odlas Prize
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Vilém Vlček (Czech Republic)
- The Matice slezská Prize
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Eduard Šístek (Czech Republic)
- The Matice slezská Prize
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Adam Klánský (Czech Republic)
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
Irene Enzlin (Netherlands)
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
55th Beethoven's Hradec – Violin – 15–18 June 2017
Chairwoman: Alena Mazgajová Čechová (Czech Republic)
Members of the jury: Ivan Ženatý (Czech Republic / USA), Stephan Picard (Germany), Jarosław Pietrzak (Poland), Jiří Vodička (Czech Republic), Petr Maceček (Czech Republic)
Special prizes
Roksana Kwaśnikowska (Poland)
- The Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava Prize
- The Presto Art Agency Prize
Anite Stroh (Germany)
- The Town of Hradec nad Moravicí Prize
Miriam Magdalena Haniková (Czech Republic)
- The Matice slezská Prize
Roksana Kwaśnikowska, Hana Chang, Anite Stroh, Mai Suzuki
- The Bärenreiter Praha Music Publisher Prize
54th Beethoven's Hradec – Piano – 16–19 June 2016
Chair: Eliška Novotná (Czech Republic)
Members of the jury: Arta Arnicane (Latvia / Switzerland), Magdalena Lisak (Poland), David Mareček (Czech Republic), Markus Schirmer (Austria)
53rd Beethoven's Hradec – Viola – 26–28 June 2015
Chair: Alexander Besa (Czech Republic)
Members of the jury: Louise Lansdown (Great Britain), Piotr Reichert (Poland), Vladimír Bukač (Czech Republic / Germany),
Wolfgang Klos (Austria)
52nd Beethoven's Hradec – Cello – 19–22 June 2014
Chair: Marek Jerie (Czech Republic)
Members of the jury: Dobromila Berkovic-Magdalenić (Croatia), Valentin Erben (Austria), Tomáš Jamník (Czech Republic),
Christian Poltéra (Switzerland)
The full results of the Beethoven's Hradec competition can be found in the book Beethoven's Hradec: Musical portrait of Hradec nad Moravicí Castle.