Basic information about competition

Beethoven's Hradec International Music Competition have been taking part in fabulous surroundings of Hradec nad Moravicí Castle since 1960's. The competition is determined for young performers under 30 (including). In four year's cycle it alternates instrument - violin, violoncello (announced for 2025) viol and piano. The competition is divided in three parts, the final lap takes place with Janaček Philharmonic Ostrava. The international jury grants three main awards and another special awards.

The competition used to be held in the premises of the Hradec nad Moravicí castle. In 2022, however, due to the ongoing reconstruction of the castle, the competition was moved to nearby Opava.

The competition has a great reputation around the world. It is a honorable achievement to become competition's laureat. As past has often shown, former laureats of the competition are strong personalities. For instance: violinists Ivan Ženatý, Hana Kotková, Jiří Vodička, Martina Bačová, violists Ladislav Kyselák, Jan Pěruška, Alexander Besa, Jitka Hosprová, cellists Miroslav Petráš, Michaela Fukačová, Daniel Veis, Jiří Bárta and pianists Jiří Skovajsa, Ivan Klánský, Jan Jiraský či Eliška Novotná. Many of them visit the competition as performers, juryman or jurywoman, accompanist or teacher of incoming music generation.

In 2014, the book Beethoven's Hradec: Musical portrait of Hradec nad Moravicí Castle was published.

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