The Opening concert

The ceremonial opening of the competition will take place on Wednesday 8 June at 6 pm in the hall of the Minorite Monastery. We cordially invite all fans of classical music to the opening concert.

Performing Performing: Eliška Novotná — piano, Jiří Hanousek — violoncello and Karel Dohnal — clarinet

Ch. M. Widor: Introduction and Rondo op. 72 for clarinet and piano 
J. Brahms: Trio a moll op. 114 for clarinet, violoncello and piano 
L. van Beethoven: Sedm variací Es dur for violoncello and piano 
L. van Beethoven: Trio B dur op. 11 for clarinet, violoncello and piano 

Tickets for public 100 CZK will be available on the spot. Competitors have free acces.

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